About Me

Fast Facts:
- I manage local and remote software teams
- I build cloud native distributed systems from the ground up while leveraging: Microservices architecture, Domain Driven Design, SOLID, Event Sourcing, CQRS, Actor model, TDD etc.
- I hold a bachelor's degree in Software Engineering
- Domain knowledge in Healthcare (Medical Imaging - PACS, DICOM, HL7, etc.), Semiconductor (chip inspection), Digital Assets Management, Clean Energy and Manufacturing
My story:
I received my first computer (hand-me-down) when I was 11 years old. At first, I was not sure what to do with this new box sitting in my living room. I decided to do the same as I used to do with my bicycle, entirely disassembled it and cleaned its inner parts. This approach improved my bicycle performance, but had negligible effect on the computer ☺ OK, now what? All I see is this blinking cursor. I had no Internet connection, so I started learning about the commands, their usage and a bit about the underlying HW. Next, I picked up Pascal. I spent a lot of time writing small, but cool programs. Yes, I was a geek and still am ☺ In turn, I have decided to take my interests to the next level in the form of Software Engineering degree (B.sc).
This blog is independently written and published by me. The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.
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